We are FREE for any user needing < 20,000,000 tiles yearly (Check our AUP for detail). That’s a LOT of tiles!
Additional tiles can be purchased in blocks of 5,000,000 for $10. This is more than 90% cheaper than our closest competitors pricing*
We render all tiles at a tile size of 512 and a scale factor of 2.0. This gives you crisp high resolution tiles.
Check out our map https://maps.lima-labs.com/leaf.html
We do NOT use AWS, Cloudflare or Fastly. We provide diversity in the event your current provider’s CDN has issues.
We provide anglicized place naming in addition to the local naming.
We operate a global network, try out our CDN from anywhere and compare it to any other provider.
We are FREE for any user needing < 20,000,000 tiles yearly (Check our AUP for detail). That’s a LOT of tiles!
We have no monthly fees.
We are available via http or https, try us out now for free using either of these links.
Please limit usage of these links to < 1000 tiles daily, if you need more register for free
*Pricing claim refers to the per-tile pricing as displayed on the competitor’s page on 11/29/2022.